July 2, 2024
We put in at Stonington town landing at 9 a.m. into quiet water, 5 knot north winds, predicted to turn south in the afternoon. We went to see all our favorite spots from past paddles over the years, with different friends and family, weather, beaches, passages, tides, blooms, birds, schooners: so much memorable kayaking laid down here, on these waves and winds.
We followed a group from Stonington Paddle south briefly to see where they were headed and then broke off on our own. Passing islands: Scott, Green (a popular stop for fresh-water quarry), Potato, Camp, Hell’s Half Acre, Bold, Devil.
Hell’s Half Acre
Then we kayaked back along south side of Camp, Russ, Scott, with views to Millet, Spruce, split Coombs, and Ram to the south, then back across the Deer Island Thorofare and to put in, now very busy with launching kayakers. It was a splendid bright day, blue sky, light wind. We saw at least 25 other kayakers in various groups.
Stonington town launch
Lots of people landed on Hell’s Half Acre. The only downside was almost getting swamped by huge waves from very powerful lobsterboats going very fast, just after noon, racing to get home for lunch. Otherwise kayaking doesn’t get much more magical than paddling off Deer Isle. Dinner that night? Lobsters!
– Tamsin Venn